Blogiversary & A Giveaway!
Today marks my first blogiversay! Happy Birthday, blog! I honestly can't believe it. I've shared so many recipes and stories with you over the past year. When I first started blogging, I didn't know what I was getting myself into, where I was headed, or, really, what I was doing. I had no idea my tiny food blog would grow so much or reach thousands of people every day. Thousands! I still can't believe it.
I remember the first time someone commented on my blog, but I remember the first time someone I didn't know commented much more. How did this person find me? Where did she come from? But, more importantly, will there be more?
This first year of blogging has been one of trial and error. It was about learning. Learning how to blog, how to write recipes, finding my voice, and trying to make food look good. I can only wonder what the next year will bring. I hope you stay tuned to find out! But until then, these photos are here to give you a little hint at what is coming next.
Thank you for being such great followers. You continually inspire me to keep writing and find new and interesting things to bake. I don't know what I'd do without you!

In celebration of this special day, I want to host a giveaway! I've recently been very interested in vintage clothing and kitchen supplies and try to hunt them down whenever I can. I like the old fashioned feel of vintage items. Certainly they've been used, but they've also been loved. They are worn, yes, but worn well. I like to imagine the history behind them, and the journey they've been on to reach me.
In the last couple weeks, I've spotted many vintage aprons around town. I love a good apron (even if I do have trouble remembering to put one on before covering my clothes in flour). I think you might, too. The blue, lacy, flowered apron comes to you from Traveling Trunk, this fantastic little vintage shop selling a little bit of everything (if you're ever near Bismarck/Mandan, ND, make a stop!). The pink umbrella apron was a find at an antique store and it was so beautiful (and in such perfect condition) that I couldn't pass it up.

Since I already own my fair share of aprons (I've run out of room in the closet), I thought I would share these with you. Whether you're a new follower or one who has stood by me since the beginning, I can't tell you how much I love having you around. Your comments and thoughts are such a bright spot in my day.
To win one of these aprons (and maybe a little something extra), simply leave a comment below and tell me what you love about this blog and what you'd like to see more of in the future. Make sure to include your email address when leaving a comment so I can get ahold of you! The contest will end on Saturday, May 28th at 11 pm (cst) and the winner will be announced shortly thereafter. Good luck!
Edit: The contest is closed and the winners have been chosen.