Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops
Sometimes things don't quite go as planned. Let me explain.
These Frankensteins have been swimming around in my head for the last month. I had a vague idea what I was going to use to make them, but it wasn't until I sat down in front of them, surrounded by marshmallows and candy, did I realize maybe I hadn't thought these little guys all the way through. After a bit of trial and error (and a dozen marshmallows tossed to the wayside), I finally figured out the trick to making them.
And make them I did. Soon I was surrounded by a small, bite-sized Frankenstein army.

It wasn't until I sat back to admire my handiwork that I noticed something was off. My Frankensteins didn't look quite right. Yet, I couldn't place my finger on what exactly was wrong. After a quick google search, I was stunned to learn my poor Frankensteins were anatomically incorrect.
For some reason, I always assumed the bolt went through Frankenstein's head. Perhaps I'm imagining that only a monster could function with a block of metal through his brain and basing my logic from there. Every time I see a picture of him with the bolt in his neck, there is shock all over again. Apparently I didn't watch enough of The Munsters growing up.
So, today I present to you an anatomically incorrect Halloween treat. I think that makes them scarier.
Or Frankensteins with pigtails. Now that's the stuff of horror films.

These Frankenstein Marshmallow Pops are easy to make and even more fun to eat. Perfect as a Halloween treat, these little monsters can be placed on top of cakes, cupcakes, cookies, or left to speak for themselves. A few ingredients is all it takes to produce these marshmallow Frankensteins (plus, they taste pretty sweet, too). These would make a spooky addition to your Halloween treat bag.